There is a considerable amount of forensic goodness in the $MFT on NTFS partitioned disks. What is a $MFT? Well the $MFT is the master file table on NTFS partitions that is a kind of database that keeps track of all the files on the partition including its location and metadata about the file. I am not going to delve into the depths of the format of NTFS because it has already been explained in numerous books like File System Forensics by Brain Carrier. What I am going to do is quickly summarize the "goodness" available in the $MFT and how you can extract this data with a EnScript I have authored.
The $MFT contains an entry for every file and directory on a partition including itself. Important metadata with in a $MFT are the name of the file, inode number, standard information attribute, file name attributes and data attribute. The size of a $MFT record is 1024 bytes. Below is an example of a $MFT record:

The header of a $MFT record is "FILE0". A $MFT record entry can contain the contents of a file if the size of the file fits into the allotted size for data attribute. Below is a $MFT record broken down into what I think are its important parts.

The EnScript I created, inspired by Keith Gould, will parse the important information mentioned above for you and provide you with a tab separated text file you can open up in Excel or parse with your favorite awk command. Don't worry I am not forgetting about the $MFT slack section mentioned above in the important parts, I will go over it in the next post.
i lkie this script
Hey Kelcey,
I just tried emailing you at kelcey.tietjen@mandiant.com but it seemed that didn't work. I loved the post on $MFT Parsing EnScripts you wrote in Aug. Would it be OK with you if I used a portion of it and cited back? My writing team should be completing a new blog post on a similar topic (digital forensic science) in the near future.
Thanks Much.
Sabrina K. Carliss
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
Thank you from Ukraine forensics:)
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